葡萄牙3-2加纳 国外网友吐槽:落后了害搁那Siuuu呢

葡萄牙 1-0 加纳,C罗禁区内摔倒获得点球,点射建功。

Overvus(萨勒尼塔纳球迷):(点球吹罚)比我那什么还软。(Softer than my pp.)


Darkhoof(本菲卡球迷):有病得治。(There's pills for that.)

pm_me_dirty_planes(委内瑞拉球迷):甚至都不是软点球,这就不是个点球。(not even soft. just straight up not a penalty.)

AfricanRain(枪手球迷):真是个丢人的判罚。(that is a disgraceful decision lmao.)

xxJAMZZxx(枪手球迷):这个确实不是点球,但第一个进球也不应该吹犯规,算是找补回来了。(Never a pen imo, first goal was never a foul either though. Shit all around.)

SolomonRed(葡萄牙球迷):和那个进球被吹犯规一样烂。(No worse than than the call to disallow his first goal.)

Omaestro(本菲卡球迷):肯定是弥补上半场那个奇葩判罚。(上半场进球被吹犯规)(For sure a makeup call for the first half shenanigans.)

vireshwarsidhu(曼联球迷):周四,国王跳水。(On Thursday the King dives.)

Ill_Plastic9807(未知主队球迷):他这不是跳水,他只是遇到了一个干净的铲球,所以全看裁判了。人们可能没意识到在FIFA里C罗的平衡只有24分,满分100分。(He didn't dive, he was just cleanly tackled, it's on the ref 100%,People don't seem to realize Ronaldo's balance is like 24/100 on a fifa scale.)

SparklyEarlAv32(曼联球迷):我向上帝发誓他每场比赛都这么干,而且从来没人给过他点球。(I swear to fucking god he tried that with us EVERY BLOODY MATCH and was never given.)

King0llie(枪手球迷):说起来可能有些奇怪,但是连英超的VAR都比这强得多。(Feels weird saying this, but Prem VAR is better than this shit.)


fuk_offe(未知主队球迷):知道为什么B费在点球后苦着张脸了吧。(This is why Fernandes wasn't smiling after the penalty.)

SladdiusW(阿根廷球迷):点球1-0领先是最危险的。(1-0 LEAD BY A PEN IS THE MOST DANGEROUS LEAD.)

AfricanRain(枪手球迷):作为一个葡萄牙小黑子我很满意。(as a dedicated Portugal hater I am happy.)

epicmarc(葡萄牙球迷)@AfricanRain(枪手球迷):您就是费尔南多-桑托斯(葡萄牙主帅)本尊吧。(Found Fernando Santos' Reddit account.)


Wilhelm_IV(切尔西球迷):这哥们在射门时就笑嘻了,他知道这球跑不了了。牛X。(Dude is literally smiling as he shoots because he know he's going to score. What a baller.)

Linko_98(米兰球迷):他就老笑。(He's always smiling.)

stuntmanbio666(米兰球迷):请别买他。(Please dont buy him.)


trupes(博塔弗戈球迷):比赛都要输了还siu呢。(Losing the game lmao.)

Farouqnowomarlater(枪手球迷):这哥们真的不在意比分啊。(My guy don't give a damn about scoreline lol.)

luh_shmunky(热刺球迷):落后一球还做C罗庆祝造型,也就是在世界杯啊。(a goal down and doing the ronaldo celebration. only at the world cup.)


TomasRoncero(皇马球迷):他出溜倒了。(HE SLIPPED.)

kisekiki(英格兰球迷):我特么不敢相信。(I can't fucking believe it.)

THE_DRGO(英格兰球迷):吉安当年点球不也是滑倒了。(Didn't Gyan slip on THAT penalty too.)

AlmostNL(荷兰球迷):加纳总是能找到一种方法让我们心碎。(Ghana has a way of breaking all of our hearts.)


