梅西加冕世界杯 国外网友:我从没见过如此如释重负之人


MrBombastic21(雅典AEK球迷): “安东内拉,今儿晚上阿坤和我们一起睡。”("Antonela, Kun will sleep with us tonight.")

KundiKumaran(未知主队球迷): 德保罗:“你得排队”。("Get in line" - Rodrigo DePaul)

Hoser117(阿根廷球迷): 真是历史性的一刻!我都等不及到2080年了,届时我们回头看梅西,肯定如同今天看贝利一样。(This is history. Can’t wait to look back at this in 2080 like we look at pele now.)

jesus_you_turn_me_on(丹麦球迷): 我滴天,你这条评论让意识到在这留言的大概都是13到18岁的小屁孩。(Jesus Christ, this comment made me realize most people posting here is probably between 13 - 18 years old.)

Elitealice(阿根廷球迷): 真希望我能回到那个年纪。(I wish I was that old again)

Fugacity(明尼苏达球迷): 我也希望能回去,只要我记得这几年的教训就行——少踏马买点儿比特币。(I'd gladly go back, as long as I retained what I learned since.Would buy so much god damn bitcoin)

Malvinas1820(阿根廷球迷): 2080?快拉倒吧,这届世界杯后,就我这心脏能活十年就不错了。(2080? Comeon, after this WC my heart won't make it to the next decade lmao.)

Acethic(未知主队球迷): 我敢说到不了那会儿地球早就被哪个疯子核平了。(Bold to assume some madman won't nuke the world until then)

Gilgamerd(尤文图斯球迷): 新闻标题:“独裁者梅西竟将已退役并且心脏有问题的人当坐骑”。("Dictator Messi uses a retired guy with heart problems as transportation")

SaltySAX(未知主队球迷): 《马卡报》次日头条是吧。(Tomorrow's Marca headline.)


Kardinale(曼联球迷): 未来五年他都要搂着这玩意儿洗澡了。(He gonna still be taking baths with that thing 5 years from now)

chizzmaster(切尔西球迷): 我认为你将阿奎罗说成“玩意儿”缺乏尊重。(Rude of you to refer to Aguero as a thing smh)

averageuserman(未知主队球迷): 球衣上已经有三颗星了,满满的细节啊。我真为他高兴。(They got the third star on the jersey already, cool detail. I'm so happy for him man.)

secretlyjudging(阿根廷球迷): 希望法国队三星球衣别被浪费掉。我出1美元买一件。(I hope they dont destroy the french version with 3 stars. I’d buy one for a dollar. Lol)

Dancingwith_Death(未知主队球迷): 依我看麦卡利斯特是本场最佳,简直是一匹战马。(Mac allister is the man of the match for me absolute workhorse)

pure_black99(利物浦球迷): 依我看劳塔罗是本场最佳,简直是战马的一坨屎。(Lautaro is the man of the match for me absolute horseshit)


oussa(阿尔及利亚球迷): 这一刻你能看到什么叫如释重负。(You can see the moment the weight fell from his shoulders)

blacksocksonly(枪手球迷): 我都不敢想象本届世界杯他肩负着多重的负担。(I cannot imagine how much weight was on his shoulder this whole tournament)

inflamesburn(未知主队球迷): 是啊负担还有名字呢,叫劳塔罗。(Yeah, that weight is called Lautaro)

dillardPA(未知主队球迷): 队友们:OK让我们狂奔起来!!!不对不对,梅西瘫在原地了,别跑了别跑了!!”(They’re all like “alright let’s sprint!!!! Wait no no Messi fell down to the ground we’re doing this instead!!”)

gunningIVglory(未知主队球迷): 沙特人功劳太大了。赢了阿根廷,又激励了梅西,他们才是真正的MVP。(Saudi Arabia did what was needed, take the win, and motivate messi,the real MVPs)

JayNN(丹麦球迷): 我从没见过一个人如此惬意地长舒一口气。(Don't think I've ever seen a more relieved man)

Tatum(枪手球迷): 我认为你女朋友应该见过好多次。(Believe your gf has seen several)

SliMsHADY55222(未知主队球迷): 总有一天我也要体会这样的放松与愉悦。(One day I will have this moment of relief and satisfaction)

riling(未知主队球迷): 兄弟你憋几个小时尿然后放水的时候就能体会到了。(Dude just hold your piss for couple hours and go for a piss after that)


masalaswag(未知主队球迷): 当时解说员德瑞正说到:“他是一名个性门将”。(The timing of Drury’s “he is a character keeper”)

pacman147(曼联球迷): 福克斯的解说员暗暗嘀咕了一句:oo no。(Fox commentator was like, "oo no")

Altlyna(未知主队球迷): 我不知道这是恶趣味还是天才的表演。我只知道我笑得很大声,所以可能是后者。(I can't tell of it's bad taste or absolute genius. I laughed pretty hard when I saw it live so it's more the latter to me.)

treple13(加拿大球迷): 这还用选吗?

